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墨九爷的小娇妻(重生) 第27节 (第2/5页)
o arranged you? ??????ô˵????Ը??˵??˭????????ˣ??? ??no! i just want to ask what i can do for you. if you say so, i will consider whether i want to tell you.һ??Ϸ?ʵı?????????ղķ˹-?ǡ? ????û?а????Ҿ??ǵ?????????????ʲô?ô?????˵?????ٿ?????Ҫ??Ҫ????˵?????? ??ղķ˹-?????ߵĿ???ī?ź?˵????you're kidding me! so, you took the initiative to attack? you have a lot of courage! even my james family dare to move! don't you hackers check what you attack? ??????ˣ?ң???ô˵???????????????ˣ???ĵ??ӵ??Dz?С????????ղķ˹???Ҷ??Ҷ??????Ǹɺڿ͵Ķ???????㹥????????ʲô???𣿡??\ ??yes, i know your boxing family well. you can't touch me!ī?ź??????˵???? ???????ˣ?????ȭ??????Ҳ?????˽⣬?????ǣ??????????ң??? ??it seems that your backstage is very hard! you have the courage to shout at me, james yah. i am suddenly very interested in you! i want you to taste the taste that life is worse than death. john, take it. jie jie ~ղķ˹-????ɭɭ??Ц?ų??˷??š???????Լ???Լ?һ?????????Ը?ī?ź??? ??????????ĺ?̨??Ӳ??????Ȼ?е??Ӹ???ղķ˹-?ǽ???????ͻȻ?Ͷ???ܸ???Ȥ?ˣ???Ҫ???㳢??????????????ζ??Լ???????¡?????? ????ϧ??ij?˿??ܸ?????û???뵽????ƾ??Щ??ѹ???˲???ī?ź?˿???? ??ֻ???????????????ӵ?????֮???û??????????ղķ˹-??????????????ah ~ i'll see where you're going this time?????ű?Ц???????ŵ?ת???ٴν????˷??䣬???Ƿ????һĻ˲????ղķ˹-?Ǿ????ˡ? ???ǡ?????ҿ??????Ķ??? ??ԭ????ղķ˹-?ǵ?һ?????¶??Ѿ???һ????????ֻʣ???˻??ڹ??Ӳд???Լ??????æ????Լ??ѯ?ʵ???john, are you all right? why can't you even deal with him? ????Լ??????ɻ??ã???ô????Ҳ?Ը??????????? ??Լ????ʣ???һ??????????????home owner, go quickly. this man is not easy to mess with. he is not an ordinary hacker. he...????û˵?꣬Լ??Ҳû?????????? ?????????????ߣ???????˲??Ǻ??ǵģ?????????ͨ?ĺڿͣ????????? ??ղķ˹-?ǵ?ͷ?????Ż??е?Լ??????????????ʲô??ֻ???????????john, don't worry, i will avenge you!˵??㽫Լ???????ڵ??ϡ? ????Լ????????ģ??һ???㱨??ģ??? ??˫Ŀ???Ķ???ī?ź?????????Խ???ĺ?????????˵????who the hell are you? why are you fighting against us everywhere and killing all my men?